
I have loved doing photography for a long time. It is so rewarding to be able to capture moments in time that people can enjoy forever. It has always been a hobby because I was afraid to make the jump from hobby to business, thinking that my love for photography would decrease if it was thought of as "work".  Well.....I've made the jump because I've had more and more people asking me to do photo-shoots.  I've found that my love for this "hobby" has only grown as I continue to learn more and more.  I love researching and trying new ideas.

My favorite photographs to take are of my own family.  My husband and I have five children and we just found out that we are expecting numbers 18 and 19 grandchildren.  My family is my greatest blessing.  I don't know if our grandchildren would even recognize me without a camera in my hand.  I take family photos all year long and then put together a family video at the end of each year for us to all watch together on Christmas Day, it's probably the favorite part of the day for everyone.

My favorite thing about taking photos for people is the reaction of how much people enjoy looking at the photos.  I think I get more excited about a great photo that the people in the picture do.  I like catching natural poses that really show personality.

I would love to help capture some of your special moments.

Beverly Bentley

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